Friday, February 4, 2011

New Guinea is constantly modernizing them-selves. They currently have a population of 6,064,515. Their population is continually growing. They have picked up about 20% of their population in nine years. They have almost nine-hundred languages. They have about 12 religions. Most of their religions are Christians. Their most practiced religion is Roman Catholic. They currently have 541 airports with unpaved roads and 21 airports with paved roads. This means that they have a grand total of 562 airports. They have 2 heliports. They currently have 9,349 km of roadways. In the way of natural resources they have a lot of precious stones and oil. Their capital city has a population of 300,000. Only about 18% of their population lives in urban areas. The rest of the population lives in the mountains with their native tribes. Their industrial growth rate is 10%. The unemployment rate is only 1.8%. Their literacy rate is about 57%. Their New Guinea army is 2100 strong.

1 comment:

  1. This is good work, Jordan. BUT, you changed your font color and now it is really hard to read. Please fix this! Thanks.
