Monday, February 28, 2011

Today we went over our tests from Guns, germs, and steel. i got an 89. We reviewed all the answers for when we have an exam. We have a test on Egypt on Friday. It involves modern and ancient parts of Egypt. I'm really confused what exactly it is on. I really enjoyed all we did this section like writing a wrap, and building a pyramid, and doing the power point slide. I would like to learn about Greece next. I like learning about Alexander the Great.

Friday, February 25, 2011

today we talked to sarah in class and got an idea of what is going on in Egypt. She went to college at American university of Cairo. She wants to be a writer. Her dad was a newspaper writer. Her mother was also a newspaper writer. She gave her opinion on the revolt, and who should come to power next. She liked the Muslim brotherhood. We asked various question like how her family felt on the removal of power, and how facebook affected the revolt. This really gave me a better information source, because it was direct not rewritten.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

questions for sarah

how quickly did egypt start protesting
was it crazy all over egypt
have you ever been threatened for protesting against the goverment
Who do u think will come to power next
What type of goverment do you expect to see
After having Bubarak for thirty years how different it it.
was everybody in Egypt against Mubarak
did facebook play the main roll in this revolt
was there any violence going on in the country
who do you want to take over the power in Egypt

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

today we watched a movie about gigi's revolution. She is a woman against the dictator Bubarak who has ruled for 30 years. Her family likes Bubarak and she is the only one revolting. You told us that we might have a skype sesh with this egyptian ladie you know. here are some questions
how quickly did egypt start protesting
was it crazy all over egypt
have you ever been threatened for protesting against the goverment
Who do u think will come to power next
What type of goverment do you expect to see
After having Bubarak for thirty years how different it it.

Egypt Rap

A few thousand years ago in the land of sand,
came a smooth ruler Tut with a master plan.
Gonna build some tombs and monuments like none before,
gonna use lots of workers,
thirty thousand or more.

When the Nile was flooded,
they shipped the stone.
And every time they moved them,
there were broken bones.
Some workers might have been women but we're not for sure,
Some worked just for the pharaoh,
they went to local villages for more.

chorus: 2x

Polish stones broken bones
built the pyramids for the Pharaohs bones.

Architects and Priests
did some work too,
they laid it all out
for the others to do.

They squared up the temples
on just the right site,
to line up with sacred constellations
that they could see at night.

chorus: 2x

Polish stones and broken bones
built the pyramids for the Pharaohs bones.

Imagine 4,000 pound stones of limestone grand,
polished just right and moved through the sand.
Pushed up ramps and laid just right
fitting just perfect ,no machines, just might.

Gonna build them tall and straight
not to the left of right,
using ropes to align the summit
keeping the peak in sight.

Can't believe they did it with no technology,
I once saw a show that said aliens could have helped, you see?

chorus: 2x

Polish stones and broken bones
built the pyramids for the Pharaohs bones.

In the land of Giza,
in old Egypt.
Lays a sick rock carving,
that's nobody's crypt.

Carved from the Giza plateau in the forth dynasty,
It's one of Khafre's things lining up with his pyramid you can still see.
It has the body of a lion,
and the head of a king,
there no longer is a nose on this giant thing.

It was once a giant monument of stone, not sticks.
If you ask me how old, i say four-six-three-six.

chorus: 2x

Polish stones and broken bones
built the pyramids for the Pharaohs bones.

Now we're back to Tut, he was called the boy king.
He was Pharaoh for just nine years,
and then there was his killing.

In the 18th dynasty is when he ruled.
He might of been just a kid, but don't be fooled.
He had big ideas and lots of land,
and we still study his work in the land of sand.
His full name was Tutankhamun discovered by Carter and Herbert,
they shortened it to Tut just like Herb for Herbert.

chorus 2x

polish stones and broken bones
built the pyramids for the Pharaohs bones

Thursday, February 17, 2011

today in class you explained how your daughter got lime disease. They had to give her a spinal tap, and you explained how at home you have to give her medicine from a tube sticking out of her chest. Since she was sick you missed Tuesday and wednesday. You did not grade our papers because of her sickness.then we got into work when me and zach finished our projects. We presented and didnt do very well, but then brad came and saved us. He did an excellent job describing the pyramids, hieroglyphics, and the history of ancient egypt.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

today in class we worked with out new groups on a powerpoint. My partner was Zach, and we researched King Tut, the Sphinx, and some miscellaneous facts. We are doing a powerpoint slide show presentation. So far we have 4 slides. Mr Blair substituted our first mod and then Mr Miller stepped in.I must say Mr Blair is pretty chill, and is a total bro. Along with Mr. Miller he seemed like an interesting guy. It was prob my favorite class today because i love working on powerpoint slide shows. Vinny taught me today that aliens made the pyramids.

Monday, February 14, 2011


The Sphinx
  • is located in Giza, Egypt
  • carved from the Giza plateau
  • it has the body of a lion
  • with a head of a king
  • it no longer has a nose
  • it has great paws and and a nice body
  • it is 150 ft long
  • the sphinx lines up with the pyramid of Khafre
  • this is one of Khafre's tombs
  • its from the 4th dynasty
  • it is badly battered now but it was once a beautiful monument
  • roughly 4,636 years old

Friday, February 11, 2011

today in class we learned about ancient egypt. I worked with vinny, kevin, brad, and zach. We didnt have much time to discuss about Egypt, but we researched.It was all the guys. we researched who built the pyramid, and how egypt began. Egypt was in current news when the dictator that had been there for 30 years was overtaken by the people.on the scan-tron part of the quiz i got a 92. You had not yet graded the essays. I think I did good on the essay. I look forward to next week when we get farther into egypt and what its all about.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


The transition between hunter gather to farming took a while. First it comes down to geographic luck if you were to succeed as a farmer. The crops had to be domesticated. In one of the first villages found in Draa they found a granary to save the crops like wheat from bugs, bacteria, and made them last longer. The people in Papua New Guinea had sago, bananas, and tarrow root. they were not very high in protein, didn't last long, and were a lot harder to make so they stayed hunter gather. The people in the fertile crescent had wheat, rice, and barley all crops that are easily produced, high in protein, and very versatile. once they became farmers they had a surplus of food so they could have special workers that could make plaster, search for things, and develop steel

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

today we reviewed for the test. we went over the 14 domestic animals, the good crops and the bad ones. The 14 domestic animals are camels, other camels, cows, sheep, pigs, llamas, mythan , water buffalo, horses, donkeys, reindeer, yaks,and bali cattle.we went over when the fertile crescent was over used that the people living there moved east and west on the same latitude line. This was good because it let the animals thrive. I am ready to move on to Egypt. I liked the movie Guns, Germs, and Steel. Even though some think his idea is to simple. I think that geographic luck is what separates the haves from the have nots.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

New Guinea is constantly modernizing them-selves. They currently have a population of 6,064,515. Their population is continually growing. They have picked up about 20% of their population in nine years. They have almost nine-hundred languages. They have about 12 religions. Most of their religions are Christians. Their most practiced religion is Roman Catholic. They currently have 541 airports with unpaved roads and 21 airports with paved roads. This means that they have a grand total of 562 airports. They have 2 heliports. They currently have 9,349 km of roadways. In the way of natural resources they have a lot of precious stones and oil. Their capital city has a population of 300,000. Only about 18% of their population lives in urban areas. The rest of the population lives in the mountains with their native tribes. Their industrial growth rate is 10%. The unemployment rate is only 1.8%. Their literacy rate is about 57%. Their New Guinea army is 2100 strong.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

today in class we finished on the Jared diamonds movie Guns, Germs, an Steel. You threatened me with a detention for walking out of the classroom, thank for not giving me a detention.Here are my notes on the movie.

Burning Limestone for a few days in a will make plaster, this eventually lead to the making of steel.Papa New Guinea never had good farming, or domestic animals. Thhwe fertile cresent was a very rich soil area, and when it was overfarmed the people living there stayed on the 38 degree of latitude and whent east or west to Egypt and Greece. Once farmers and animals hit Egypt the city took of and started making the pyramids.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

we were back in school today after the ice storm. we continued watching guns, germs, and steel we finished in class were Jared diamond was saying that the Middle East had the best plants and animals during the stone ages, and they were some of the first farmers. New Guinea had been unfortunate and had poor plants and non domestic animals. There are 14 domestic animals Pigs, Goats, Sheep, Horses, Water buffalo, Camels, Donkeys, Llamas, Reindeer, Yaks, Mithan, Cows, Other camels, and Bali cattle. there were no animals to pull plows said Jared diamond, or to eat in New Guinea. Thats why they didn't develop as other countries did.