Sunday, June 5, 2011

today in class we went over the rome test and went over what might be on th exam. The romans, Greeks, and the Germs, guns, and steel. I feel i can do really good because i get most of it.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

today in class we took our test. in the same mod you went and graded it. I got a 105 out of 100. The extra credit was worth 5 points, and it involved the westerns language Latin. I though i didnt do to well.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

today in class it was our first class since friday. We finished studying rome and we have a test tomorrow. The testis on the second part of the roman empire. It is about how the empire fell to barbarians.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Today in class we finished the roman empire and went over how it fell. You gave us a sheet to do by wed. because no school monday, and we dont have classes on tues. The test is on all of Rome. I feel pretty confident.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

today in class we went outside. First we sat on the bleachers it was a bad idea it was hot, the sun was in out eyes, and we sat on some red ant that made us look like we had blood on our pants. Then we moved to some shade, it was much more comfier. We talked about the fall of the roman empire, and how the US compared to the fall of the Roman empire.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

today in class we turned in our final essay for rome. We went over the Rome test. I got a 99 percent on it. It took about the whole class to look over the test. Then you gave us a reading packet about Rome and the fall of the Empire.

Monday, May 23, 2011

today in class we worked on the essay we peer edited it. Zach and I exchanged papers. My paper needs work but i think i did a good job. Zachs paper was very good and didnt need much work. The paper is due wednesday because we dont have class tuesday.

Friday, May 20, 2011

today in class we had a sub. I forget his name he is a religion teacher. We worked on our essays about the roman empire and the roman republic. Personally i think the roman republic worked better. there was never one person in charge. The empire would run in the family so the person wouldnt always be the best fit.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

today in class we took the roman test i got a 99 out of 100. Then we have to get done a report on the differences between the roman republic and the roman empire. It is a 500 word essay that is due monday. I think ill do pretty good goverment is one of my strenghts but writing isnt so im questionable.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

today in class we finished the powerpoint slide show presentation. I was partners with Kevin Douglas davies, Zachary James Hammons, and I Jordan Andrew Flagler. Alena Nicole stoots sat behind us, and Lauren Ashley Fabs to the right. To the left was Olivia Caroline LaPresti, and in the front next to Novice gamer Morgan Elizabeth Ray. Kevin Douglas Davies A.K.A. KDD made a bet on the test for 5 dollars.

Monday, May 16, 2011

today in class we went over a PowerPoint slide about Rome. We started from the Kings to Jesus. Jesus wouldn't have been anything with out Paul. Paul Spread the word of Jesus. On a list that ranks most influential people Muhammad was one Jesus was three, and St. Paul was 6. Kevin thinks all Muslims are terrorists. We had a major discussion about Osama Bin Laden and how people judge the Muslims because of him.

Friday, May 13, 2011

today in class we finished watching the roman video on youtube. Then we got in a group and are doing the three kings Tiberius, Caligula, and Claudius. They were all disappointed me. In my group was Zach and kevin and were splitting the work. I have Tiberius, Kevin had Caligula, and Zach has Claudius.

the three kings

November 16, 42 BC – March 16, AD
Step-son of Octavian
Parents were divorced
One of Romes greatest generals

and his family got in an argument with Tiberius and Tiberius was worried that because Caligula's father was a hero that he would be a political threat. Tiberius had the family accept Caligula killed. He was the survivor. Tiberius hated him until one day he for some reason warmed up to him. He made Caligula his heir to the throne. Caligula at first exceeded expectations and then slid into insanity. He became a crazy tyrant and a perv. One thing that he did well was construction. He was later assassinated by his closest people.

zach didnt do his part

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

today in class you showed two videos the dog tease and the roman video about Augustus. the dog video was funny and we were all surpirsed sam hadnt seen the video before. Then we got down to business and watched the roman video. we took notes by hand, instead of using the computer.

Monday, May 9, 2011

today in class i made up the Rome test. I think i got an A. Im pretty good when it comes to Ancient Rome and Greece. We went over both the Greece and Rome tests. I am not sure whats next but i cant wait. History is interesting to me its probably one of my favorite classes.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

You were not in class today we had mrs redfern as a sub. Zach and I finished our project earlier. I think we have a very good power point slideshow. Class was boring its not as fun when you are not here.

Monday, May 2, 2011

today in class we started on the greek paragraph. we got to work with partners. Zach and I were partners, and we started Pax romana, roman roads etc. We got paragraph 7 in the rap by chi cago. the song was about the roman history.

Friday, April 29, 2011

civil war
tiber river
Julius Caesar

Thursday, April 28, 2011

today in class we had another pop quiz. i did really bad. It was weird today because of the tornado. You told us how your old school had blown down when you were 8 in Illionois.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

1.Geography gave them

a good trading route,

and the mountains helped protect

2. The Romans borrowed

Religious Views and

ways of life

3. Family was highly

valued in the Roman


4,a. Man tender, women

did chores, children learned from parents

5All male citizens

were required to

serve in the army.

Machine generated alternative text: I u u L tif ?FtL14t Define: (a) republic, (b) gravitas, (c) pater familias, (d) toga, (e) patrician, (f) plebeian, (g) legion, (h) century Identify: (a) Italy, (b) Rome, (c) Romulus, (d) Palatine Hill, (e) Alps, (f) Tiber River, (g) Apennines, (h) Latins, (i) Etruscans, (j) Forum Answer: 1. How did geography help Rome? 2. Why was each of the following groups im portant to Rome’s development? (a) Latins (b) Creeks (c) Etruscans 3. What were the values of early Roman society? 4. (a) How was the Roman household organized? (b) What freedoms did women have in the family and in society? 5, How was the army linked to Roman society? Critical Thinking 6. Compare the values of Roman society to those of another civilization.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

today in class we took the test. greece is finally over. Now we start rome. I really liked the greece unit it was easy to learn and interesting, and i am excited to start the romans. I know that they kind of took over how the greeks fought and worshiped.

Monday, April 18, 2011

today in class we went over what questions would be on the test. You said there would be about 25-30 multiple choice and one essay. one essay could be chosen out of three. you gave us the idea one might be about the trial of socrates, or plattos cave. Our test is on ancient greece. we covered many topics such as greek art and drama, alexander the great, philosphers, etc.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

today in class we finally finshed the movie on ancient greece. we have a test next week after we go over Alexander the Great. Today in class in the movie we went over the defeat of Athens. Then they became a city of knowledge not power. From Socrates to Plato to Aristotle. We also went over the trial of socrates, and how he died of hemlock the usual way to kill people put to death back in the day.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

true or false
1.may have been many poets
2.some people think he just made it up
3.the illiad and the travel were books written by Homer

Monday, April 11, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

Greek Drama:
1.What are the three types of drama
2.true or false
Comedy was a type of Drama
3. Most of the comedies mocked the Gods
93 percent

Greek Poetry
1.True or false
poetry was used to remember school work better
2.poets had second jobs usually
3.sapho was one of the most famous Greek poets
100 percent

The age of Pericles
1.True or False
Pericles was born in 5th century
2.Was born an Aristocrat
3.Came to power at the age of 27
92 percent

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Advancements in Math and science
1.Who found the physical displacement
2.what is the method to determining a right triangles side.
3.Who invented geometry
84 percent

Alexander's youth
True or False
1.Alexander on captured a city on an island by building a bridge to the island
2.Alexander died at the age of 33
3.He built a city in Egypt and called it Alexandria
98 percent

The Parthenon
1.How tall was the statue of Athena
2.true or false
It was built on the acropolis
3.It was built in the Doric style
86 percent

Greek Philosophers
1.Name three philosophers
2.What did Aristotle focus on
3.What were Plato two jobs before becoming a philosopher
92 percent

Monday, April 4, 2011

today in class we went over Caitlin power point on the Peloponnesian war. It was fought between Athens and Sparta. Athens battle strategy was to build a great wall all around Athens to protect then steal good from Sparta through water, and after a while the Spartans would have to give up. It was a fail the Athenians caught a plague and 1/3 to 2/3 of the people died. Athens weakened and, Sparta took over. Caitlin had some really good cupcakes after the presentation, then we ate cake, from someone else's project that was also good.
Peloponnesian war
1.Who were some of the main contributors to Athens/Sparta?
2.True or False
Did the plague affect the outcome of the war
3.Why did Athens have a wall put up around the city?
95 percent
Greek Art
1.What is the Doric Order?
2.What style of building was Parthenon?
3.True or False
Polychromy was painting on statues and architecture
97 percent
1.When did the games being many days was the event when first created.
3. True or False
Slaves can participate in the Olympic games
88 percent

Thursday, March 24, 2011

today in class we got back our ancient greek test. I got an 83, and pretty satisfied in the results. I felt like I failed when i got took it. We went over it in class it took both mods. We have a project on Ancient Greece. Everyone has a different topic. I have Alexanders conquests. It is about Alexander the Great, and how he was the ruler and epic fighter. At one time he ruled most of the known world. Basically from Asia Minor to Egypt, by the time he was 35.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

today in class we had a quiz on ancient greece. it was fairly easy. It had 4 choices between a-d and each choice had several names underneath. We had a 58 point assignment, there were 29 questions. So each question was 2 points. It had names of people, places, buildings, and myths. It had the name of rulers, philosophers, and city states.

Monday, March 21, 2011

paracleis put a building on the acropolis for the god Athena
built in 15 years
would have cost 1 billion dollars in todays time
pasagorous was the first to figure that suns rays reflect on the moon
in the acropolis there would be two theater plays a year
first theater
they invented theater and drama
made of all marble
there were two kinds of stories
tragedy and comedy
carved right from the hill
hubirous excessive pride and arrogant
paracleis tried to take over Sparta

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

today in class we studied these notes in the movie we watched about ancient Greece.
Cleistenes was born thinking he was a aristocrat
an aristocrat is someone with power that could become a ruler
acropolish means highest city
They had city states
Sparta was raised as warriors
arate is the meaning of you do the best of your ability at everything
homer wrote the Odyssey and the illiad
everyone would trade for olive oil

Monday, March 14, 2011

Today in class we had mods 2 and 3. We continued learning about Greece. At first we were reading our notes from the movie that we watched friday. Then we took over from a power point that you had made. We got to the background of Greece. We have not gotten into the battles yet or any of the feuds between the city states. You showed us a map on how far apart sparta and Athens was, and the other city stated were separated.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

today in class we started learning about Ancient Greece, and since you started taking a course you decided to read us the story of Greece vs. Persia. I love Ancient Greece, i think its interesting. Every student got to do one subject about greece. I got the battle of thermoplyae, in which 300 soldiers held 1/4 of a million other soldiers for three days. The Spartans fought with there king Leonidas, against Xerxes the ruler of Persia.

Monday, March 7, 2011

today in class we took the test on Egypt it was pretty easy i was the first student done in section 04. I was a little confused on the content till the prezi you made. Because we researched it by ourselves i wasnt sure what the set material was. You had 20 multiple choice question, 3 long answer , and one essay out of three to write on loose leaf. I chose the essay on how the Nile effected Egypt.

Friday, March 4, 2011

today in western civilization we reviewed all of the facts about Egypt for our test next week sometime. We mainly talked about what drives Egypt's economy.You made a prezi for us to study and to take notes on and he went over it in class today. Egypt has 79 million people; biggest population of Middle Eastern nations.There religions are very violent.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Today we had mods 2 and 3 but you let us leave after mod 2. Thank You i really needed a brake. We have a test on ancient Egypt and the recent events in Egypt coming soon. Its about the daily life in Egypt, the pharaohs, the Gods and Goddesses, and the pyramids. Which where built over 4,000 years ago and are still standing firm.We learned about the pyramid that you could not fit a blade in between stones. Again thank you for the mod off, and I am prepared for this test.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

today in class we went over ancient egypt. Were learning about the pyramids, the Nile, hieroglyphics, and transportation. They would know that the nile would flood and leave rich silt. It is good for growing crops. The nile was one of the ways the Egyptians survived. It is the longest river in the world.The sphinx guarded the pyramids. It had the body of a lion with the head of a king. But the nose fell of years later. We have a test next week on ancient Egypt and the recent revolt on the president Mubarak. We talked to your Egyptian friend Sarah.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Today we went over our tests from Guns, germs, and steel. i got an 89. We reviewed all the answers for when we have an exam. We have a test on Egypt on Friday. It involves modern and ancient parts of Egypt. I'm really confused what exactly it is on. I really enjoyed all we did this section like writing a wrap, and building a pyramid, and doing the power point slide. I would like to learn about Greece next. I like learning about Alexander the Great.

Friday, February 25, 2011

today we talked to sarah in class and got an idea of what is going on in Egypt. She went to college at American university of Cairo. She wants to be a writer. Her dad was a newspaper writer. Her mother was also a newspaper writer. She gave her opinion on the revolt, and who should come to power next. She liked the Muslim brotherhood. We asked various question like how her family felt on the removal of power, and how facebook affected the revolt. This really gave me a better information source, because it was direct not rewritten.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

questions for sarah

how quickly did egypt start protesting
was it crazy all over egypt
have you ever been threatened for protesting against the goverment
Who do u think will come to power next
What type of goverment do you expect to see
After having Bubarak for thirty years how different it it.
was everybody in Egypt against Mubarak
did facebook play the main roll in this revolt
was there any violence going on in the country
who do you want to take over the power in Egypt

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

today we watched a movie about gigi's revolution. She is a woman against the dictator Bubarak who has ruled for 30 years. Her family likes Bubarak and she is the only one revolting. You told us that we might have a skype sesh with this egyptian ladie you know. here are some questions
how quickly did egypt start protesting
was it crazy all over egypt
have you ever been threatened for protesting against the goverment
Who do u think will come to power next
What type of goverment do you expect to see
After having Bubarak for thirty years how different it it.

Egypt Rap

A few thousand years ago in the land of sand,
came a smooth ruler Tut with a master plan.
Gonna build some tombs and monuments like none before,
gonna use lots of workers,
thirty thousand or more.

When the Nile was flooded,
they shipped the stone.
And every time they moved them,
there were broken bones.
Some workers might have been women but we're not for sure,
Some worked just for the pharaoh,
they went to local villages for more.

chorus: 2x

Polish stones broken bones
built the pyramids for the Pharaohs bones.

Architects and Priests
did some work too,
they laid it all out
for the others to do.

They squared up the temples
on just the right site,
to line up with sacred constellations
that they could see at night.

chorus: 2x

Polish stones and broken bones
built the pyramids for the Pharaohs bones.

Imagine 4,000 pound stones of limestone grand,
polished just right and moved through the sand.
Pushed up ramps and laid just right
fitting just perfect ,no machines, just might.

Gonna build them tall and straight
not to the left of right,
using ropes to align the summit
keeping the peak in sight.

Can't believe they did it with no technology,
I once saw a show that said aliens could have helped, you see?

chorus: 2x

Polish stones and broken bones
built the pyramids for the Pharaohs bones.

In the land of Giza,
in old Egypt.
Lays a sick rock carving,
that's nobody's crypt.

Carved from the Giza plateau in the forth dynasty,
It's one of Khafre's things lining up with his pyramid you can still see.
It has the body of a lion,
and the head of a king,
there no longer is a nose on this giant thing.

It was once a giant monument of stone, not sticks.
If you ask me how old, i say four-six-three-six.

chorus: 2x

Polish stones and broken bones
built the pyramids for the Pharaohs bones.

Now we're back to Tut, he was called the boy king.
He was Pharaoh for just nine years,
and then there was his killing.

In the 18th dynasty is when he ruled.
He might of been just a kid, but don't be fooled.
He had big ideas and lots of land,
and we still study his work in the land of sand.
His full name was Tutankhamun discovered by Carter and Herbert,
they shortened it to Tut just like Herb for Herbert.

chorus 2x

polish stones and broken bones
built the pyramids for the Pharaohs bones

Thursday, February 17, 2011

today in class you explained how your daughter got lime disease. They had to give her a spinal tap, and you explained how at home you have to give her medicine from a tube sticking out of her chest. Since she was sick you missed Tuesday and wednesday. You did not grade our papers because of her sickness.then we got into work when me and zach finished our projects. We presented and didnt do very well, but then brad came and saved us. He did an excellent job describing the pyramids, hieroglyphics, and the history of ancient egypt.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

today in class we worked with out new groups on a powerpoint. My partner was Zach, and we researched King Tut, the Sphinx, and some miscellaneous facts. We are doing a powerpoint slide show presentation. So far we have 4 slides. Mr Blair substituted our first mod and then Mr Miller stepped in.I must say Mr Blair is pretty chill, and is a total bro. Along with Mr. Miller he seemed like an interesting guy. It was prob my favorite class today because i love working on powerpoint slide shows. Vinny taught me today that aliens made the pyramids.

Monday, February 14, 2011


The Sphinx
  • is located in Giza, Egypt
  • carved from the Giza plateau
  • it has the body of a lion
  • with a head of a king
  • it no longer has a nose
  • it has great paws and and a nice body
  • it is 150 ft long
  • the sphinx lines up with the pyramid of Khafre
  • this is one of Khafre's tombs
  • its from the 4th dynasty
  • it is badly battered now but it was once a beautiful monument
  • roughly 4,636 years old

Friday, February 11, 2011

today in class we learned about ancient egypt. I worked with vinny, kevin, brad, and zach. We didnt have much time to discuss about Egypt, but we researched.It was all the guys. we researched who built the pyramid, and how egypt began. Egypt was in current news when the dictator that had been there for 30 years was overtaken by the people.on the scan-tron part of the quiz i got a 92. You had not yet graded the essays. I think I did good on the essay. I look forward to next week when we get farther into egypt and what its all about.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


The transition between hunter gather to farming took a while. First it comes down to geographic luck if you were to succeed as a farmer. The crops had to be domesticated. In one of the first villages found in Draa they found a granary to save the crops like wheat from bugs, bacteria, and made them last longer. The people in Papua New Guinea had sago, bananas, and tarrow root. they were not very high in protein, didn't last long, and were a lot harder to make so they stayed hunter gather. The people in the fertile crescent had wheat, rice, and barley all crops that are easily produced, high in protein, and very versatile. once they became farmers they had a surplus of food so they could have special workers that could make plaster, search for things, and develop steel

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

today we reviewed for the test. we went over the 14 domestic animals, the good crops and the bad ones. The 14 domestic animals are camels, other camels, cows, sheep, pigs, llamas, mythan , water buffalo, horses, donkeys, reindeer, yaks,and bali cattle.we went over when the fertile crescent was over used that the people living there moved east and west on the same latitude line. This was good because it let the animals thrive. I am ready to move on to Egypt. I liked the movie Guns, Germs, and Steel. Even though some think his idea is to simple. I think that geographic luck is what separates the haves from the have nots.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

New Guinea is constantly modernizing them-selves. They currently have a population of 6,064,515. Their population is continually growing. They have picked up about 20% of their population in nine years. They have almost nine-hundred languages. They have about 12 religions. Most of their religions are Christians. Their most practiced religion is Roman Catholic. They currently have 541 airports with unpaved roads and 21 airports with paved roads. This means that they have a grand total of 562 airports. They have 2 heliports. They currently have 9,349 km of roadways. In the way of natural resources they have a lot of precious stones and oil. Their capital city has a population of 300,000. Only about 18% of their population lives in urban areas. The rest of the population lives in the mountains with their native tribes. Their industrial growth rate is 10%. The unemployment rate is only 1.8%. Their literacy rate is about 57%. Their New Guinea army is 2100 strong.