Friday, April 29, 2011

civil war
tiber river
Julius Caesar

Thursday, April 28, 2011

today in class we had another pop quiz. i did really bad. It was weird today because of the tornado. You told us how your old school had blown down when you were 8 in Illionois.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

1.Geography gave them

a good trading route,

and the mountains helped protect

2. The Romans borrowed

Religious Views and

ways of life

3. Family was highly

valued in the Roman


4,a. Man tender, women

did chores, children learned from parents

5All male citizens

were required to

serve in the army.

Machine generated alternative text: I u u L tif ?FtL14t Define: (a) republic, (b) gravitas, (c) pater familias, (d) toga, (e) patrician, (f) plebeian, (g) legion, (h) century Identify: (a) Italy, (b) Rome, (c) Romulus, (d) Palatine Hill, (e) Alps, (f) Tiber River, (g) Apennines, (h) Latins, (i) Etruscans, (j) Forum Answer: 1. How did geography help Rome? 2. Why was each of the following groups im portant to Rome’s development? (a) Latins (b) Creeks (c) Etruscans 3. What were the values of early Roman society? 4. (a) How was the Roman household organized? (b) What freedoms did women have in the family and in society? 5, How was the army linked to Roman society? Critical Thinking 6. Compare the values of Roman society to those of another civilization.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

today in class we took the test. greece is finally over. Now we start rome. I really liked the greece unit it was easy to learn and interesting, and i am excited to start the romans. I know that they kind of took over how the greeks fought and worshiped.

Monday, April 18, 2011

today in class we went over what questions would be on the test. You said there would be about 25-30 multiple choice and one essay. one essay could be chosen out of three. you gave us the idea one might be about the trial of socrates, or plattos cave. Our test is on ancient greece. we covered many topics such as greek art and drama, alexander the great, philosphers, etc.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

today in class we finally finshed the movie on ancient greece. we have a test next week after we go over Alexander the Great. Today in class in the movie we went over the defeat of Athens. Then they became a city of knowledge not power. From Socrates to Plato to Aristotle. We also went over the trial of socrates, and how he died of hemlock the usual way to kill people put to death back in the day.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

true or false
1.may have been many poets
2.some people think he just made it up
3.the illiad and the travel were books written by Homer

Monday, April 11, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011

Greek Drama:
1.What are the three types of drama
2.true or false
Comedy was a type of Drama
3. Most of the comedies mocked the Gods
93 percent

Greek Poetry
1.True or false
poetry was used to remember school work better
2.poets had second jobs usually
3.sapho was one of the most famous Greek poets
100 percent

The age of Pericles
1.True or False
Pericles was born in 5th century
2.Was born an Aristocrat
3.Came to power at the age of 27
92 percent

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Advancements in Math and science
1.Who found the physical displacement
2.what is the method to determining a right triangles side.
3.Who invented geometry
84 percent

Alexander's youth
True or False
1.Alexander on captured a city on an island by building a bridge to the island
2.Alexander died at the age of 33
3.He built a city in Egypt and called it Alexandria
98 percent

The Parthenon
1.How tall was the statue of Athena
2.true or false
It was built on the acropolis
3.It was built in the Doric style
86 percent

Greek Philosophers
1.Name three philosophers
2.What did Aristotle focus on
3.What were Plato two jobs before becoming a philosopher
92 percent

Monday, April 4, 2011

today in class we went over Caitlin power point on the Peloponnesian war. It was fought between Athens and Sparta. Athens battle strategy was to build a great wall all around Athens to protect then steal good from Sparta through water, and after a while the Spartans would have to give up. It was a fail the Athenians caught a plague and 1/3 to 2/3 of the people died. Athens weakened and, Sparta took over. Caitlin had some really good cupcakes after the presentation, then we ate cake, from someone else's project that was also good.
Peloponnesian war
1.Who were some of the main contributors to Athens/Sparta?
2.True or False
Did the plague affect the outcome of the war
3.Why did Athens have a wall put up around the city?
95 percent
Greek Art
1.What is the Doric Order?
2.What style of building was Parthenon?
3.True or False
Polychromy was painting on statues and architecture
97 percent
1.When did the games being many days was the event when first created.
3. True or False
Slaves can participate in the Olympic games
88 percent