Thursday, March 24, 2011

today in class we got back our ancient greek test. I got an 83, and pretty satisfied in the results. I felt like I failed when i got took it. We went over it in class it took both mods. We have a project on Ancient Greece. Everyone has a different topic. I have Alexanders conquests. It is about Alexander the Great, and how he was the ruler and epic fighter. At one time he ruled most of the known world. Basically from Asia Minor to Egypt, by the time he was 35.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

today in class we had a quiz on ancient greece. it was fairly easy. It had 4 choices between a-d and each choice had several names underneath. We had a 58 point assignment, there were 29 questions. So each question was 2 points. It had names of people, places, buildings, and myths. It had the name of rulers, philosophers, and city states.

Monday, March 21, 2011

paracleis put a building on the acropolis for the god Athena
built in 15 years
would have cost 1 billion dollars in todays time
pasagorous was the first to figure that suns rays reflect on the moon
in the acropolis there would be two theater plays a year
first theater
they invented theater and drama
made of all marble
there were two kinds of stories
tragedy and comedy
carved right from the hill
hubirous excessive pride and arrogant
paracleis tried to take over Sparta

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

today in class we studied these notes in the movie we watched about ancient Greece.
Cleistenes was born thinking he was a aristocrat
an aristocrat is someone with power that could become a ruler
acropolish means highest city
They had city states
Sparta was raised as warriors
arate is the meaning of you do the best of your ability at everything
homer wrote the Odyssey and the illiad
everyone would trade for olive oil

Monday, March 14, 2011

Today in class we had mods 2 and 3. We continued learning about Greece. At first we were reading our notes from the movie that we watched friday. Then we took over from a power point that you had made. We got to the background of Greece. We have not gotten into the battles yet or any of the feuds between the city states. You showed us a map on how far apart sparta and Athens was, and the other city stated were separated.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

today in class we started learning about Ancient Greece, and since you started taking a course you decided to read us the story of Greece vs. Persia. I love Ancient Greece, i think its interesting. Every student got to do one subject about greece. I got the battle of thermoplyae, in which 300 soldiers held 1/4 of a million other soldiers for three days. The Spartans fought with there king Leonidas, against Xerxes the ruler of Persia.

Monday, March 7, 2011

today in class we took the test on Egypt it was pretty easy i was the first student done in section 04. I was a little confused on the content till the prezi you made. Because we researched it by ourselves i wasnt sure what the set material was. You had 20 multiple choice question, 3 long answer , and one essay out of three to write on loose leaf. I chose the essay on how the Nile effected Egypt.

Friday, March 4, 2011

today in western civilization we reviewed all of the facts about Egypt for our test next week sometime. We mainly talked about what drives Egypt's economy.You made a prezi for us to study and to take notes on and he went over it in class today. Egypt has 79 million people; biggest population of Middle Eastern nations.There religions are very violent.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Today we had mods 2 and 3 but you let us leave after mod 2. Thank You i really needed a brake. We have a test on ancient Egypt and the recent events in Egypt coming soon. Its about the daily life in Egypt, the pharaohs, the Gods and Goddesses, and the pyramids. Which where built over 4,000 years ago and are still standing firm.We learned about the pyramid that you could not fit a blade in between stones. Again thank you for the mod off, and I am prepared for this test.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

today in class we went over ancient egypt. Were learning about the pyramids, the Nile, hieroglyphics, and transportation. They would know that the nile would flood and leave rich silt. It is good for growing crops. The nile was one of the ways the Egyptians survived. It is the longest river in the world.The sphinx guarded the pyramids. It had the body of a lion with the head of a king. But the nose fell of years later. We have a test next week on ancient Egypt and the recent revolt on the president Mubarak. We talked to your Egyptian friend Sarah.