Monday, January 31, 2011

today in class we got new seats and made sure everyone had subscribed to your blog. i sit next to Alena, Zach, and Lauren. We continued watching Guns, Germs, and Steel.
Here are notes on the movie:
Jared Diamond a man looking for why other countries developed faster than others. He had to go back to pre-history, when humans where thriving in the Middle-East. Everyone was the same all hunter gathers. They were nomadic.They were travelers. In New Guinea they still hunt and gather like the ones 40,000 years ago. the woman gather ago a pulp from a tree. The gathering is harder but doesn't get a lot of calories to survive, so New Guineans must hunt to survive. Jared Diamond is searching for this question and found a small village 11,000 years old. The people had a granary that protected plants and food to protect from insects and bacteria. The grains they stored were wheat and barley. The stone age people int the Middle East were farmers.When they started farming they were taking over nature(Domestication). People in China started farming rice, and in the Us people were farming squash. In Africa they started growing Yams. New Guineans were one of the first farmers.The plants and fruits in New Guinea don't have protein, hard to make, and don't last long.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

today we missed class again because of snow but this time because of an overnight storm that gave us 9 inches. so we have 13 inches of snow in my yard

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

we missed classes because of an unexpected snow storm. we got 4 inches of snow at my house.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Guns, Germs, and Steel

Jared Diamond is a self taught biologist, who is a professor at UCLA. He specials in human physiology, and studying birds.He went to New Guinea to study bird life, and while there a local man asked "why do you have so much cargo, when us New Gunians have few." Professor Diamond was shocked by this question, so he decided to study how countries have civilized. After 30 he is still searching for that answer. He was puzzled that New Guinea has had life for over 40000 years and Europe has only had 500, and Europe is way more advanced. New Guinea is still in a stone age.
today in class we made a western civilization blog, watched guns, germs, and steel. About the Professor Jared Diamond