Sunday, June 5, 2011

today in class we went over the rome test and went over what might be on th exam. The romans, Greeks, and the Germs, guns, and steel. I feel i can do really good because i get most of it.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

today in class we took our test. in the same mod you went and graded it. I got a 105 out of 100. The extra credit was worth 5 points, and it involved the westerns language Latin. I though i didnt do to well.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

today in class it was our first class since friday. We finished studying rome and we have a test tomorrow. The testis on the second part of the roman empire. It is about how the empire fell to barbarians.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Today in class we finished the roman empire and went over how it fell. You gave us a sheet to do by wed. because no school monday, and we dont have classes on tues. The test is on all of Rome. I feel pretty confident.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

today in class we went outside. First we sat on the bleachers it was a bad idea it was hot, the sun was in out eyes, and we sat on some red ant that made us look like we had blood on our pants. Then we moved to some shade, it was much more comfier. We talked about the fall of the roman empire, and how the US compared to the fall of the Roman empire.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

today in class we turned in our final essay for rome. We went over the Rome test. I got a 99 percent on it. It took about the whole class to look over the test. Then you gave us a reading packet about Rome and the fall of the Empire.

Monday, May 23, 2011

today in class we worked on the essay we peer edited it. Zach and I exchanged papers. My paper needs work but i think i did a good job. Zachs paper was very good and didnt need much work. The paper is due wednesday because we dont have class tuesday.